在美世, 我们正在创造一种归属感的文化,在这种文化中,所有的同事都可以全身心地投入到工作中,并茁壮成长.

拥有多元化的员工队伍和包容的文化使我们成为一个更强大的组织,并提高我们的工作质量. According to data on client team effectiveness, diverse teams produce greater economic success for all.
通过理解, valuing and leveraging the strengths of all colleagues, 美世 holds a differentiating advantage. 培养一种让每个人都能做自己、有归属感的文化,会让最优秀的人才更投入、更留用——这是正确的做法. Diverse teams generate richer discussions, 比每个人都一样的团队有更多创新的想法和更大的影响力. 以下是美世的方针、战略、行动和承诺.
美世 is a people business, and having colleagues with diverse backgrounds, 视角, experiences and cultures brings a diversity of ideas that, 反过来, helps us make brighter futures for everyone. Together, we can make a difference.

Chief Executive Officer, 美世, and Vice Chair, 马什McLennan

Our inclusion and diversity priorities

98858威尼斯70570和工作的社区. 了解更多 about 美世’s workforce and our commitment to inclusion and diversity.


\nWe’re 开发ing leaders, people managers and colleagues to be visible allies and sponsors for Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) colleagues.



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我们员工的多样性反映了我们98858威尼斯70570和工作的社区. 了解更多 about 美世’s workforce and our commitment to inclusion and diversity.

We’re 开发ing leaders, people managers and colleagues to be visible allies and sponsors for Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) colleagues.


How are we building a diverse workforce and inclusive culture?


美世长期以来一直在审查薪酬和晋升决策,以识别和减轻偏见. 我们致力于将这一重点扩展到其他核心业务实践和政策.




同事被要求参加学习课程,并证明他们理解无意识偏见的概念, being an ally and respect at work. 人力资源经理参加其他论坛,讨论创造和维持包容性文化.

Leadership accountability

大型组织的商业领袖有多年的目标,以增加BIPOC同事在关键角色中的代表性. 在美世,领导者会制定计划,吸引、留住和培养BIPOC员工.

美世 has instituted practices designed to attract and hire diverse talent. 我们正在消除招聘信息的偏见,使招聘经理和面试团队多样化,并对他们进行培训.


我们已经创建了一系列的倾听会议和同事经验调查,目的是更好地告知和推动我们的行动. 我们使用这些工具来提高对许多多样性维度差异的认识和理解.


Business resource groups (BRGs)


由自愿合作帮助美世实现多元化愿景的同事组成, 每个BRG都在改善公司文化和环境方面发挥着关键作用. Providing unique 视角 from across our organization, each BRG focuses on our abilities to hire, 开发 and retain the best talent; work with an increasingly diverse client base; and connect to the increasingly diverse communities in which our colleagues and clients live and work. 目前,我们在美世各地有以下社区的brg:种族和民族多样性, Women@美世, Rising Professionals Network, AccessABILITIES and 骄傲.

Women@美世计划旨在与我们的全球妇女网络社区一起支持和扩大性别平衡. 我们还致力于推广美世的内部和外部性别多元化品牌,以最大限度地提高公司的招聘能力, 开发, retain and advance female talent.

种族和民族多样性BRG致力于帮助美世成为最优秀、最聪明的多元化人才的首选雇主. 集团为来自不同背景的员工营造了一个包容的工作环境, 不同文化和种族的人可以成为专业人士,为美世的成功做出贡献.

美世的骄傲 BRG致力于帮助美世实现公司女同性恋员工的全部价值, 同性恋, 双性恋, 酷儿和跨性别同事,同时支持美世的战略要求.

The Rising Professionals BRG connects, 开发s and empowers driven, 通过网络和规划,为专业和发展成长提供雄心勃勃的多元化同事.

AccessABILITIES@美世旨在加强对残疾同事和照顾者的包容文化, creating a workplace built on empathy, 尊严, trust and respect so that everyone’s abilities shine.

美世关怀BRG利用员工的热情,通过志愿服务为我们的社区带来有意义的改变. 美世的同事有机会通过指导学生来共同产生影响, improving community health and wellness, supporting veterans’ groups, and volunteering to support a variety of other causes. 我们每个日历年提供一个带薪工作日,让我们的同事去非营利组织或慈善组织做志愿者服务,这让他们更容易做志愿者.

Inclusion and diversity at 美世

    Explore 美世 careers

    美世 is helping clients around the world redefine the world of work, reshape retirement and investment outcomes, and unlock real health and well-being for their people.

    Helping our clients advance diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

      Awards and recognition

      我们的成就得到了主要出版物、协会和研究机构的认可,我们为此感到自豪. Featured awards include:

        Individual recognition

        • Michelle Sequeira, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consulting Leader, CIO Views Magazine, Most Influential Women in Diversity & 包容,2023
        • 马丁尼Ferland, 美世 CEO, A Better Chance’s 2022 Chairperson’s Award
        • 托尼·伍德,英国领袖,MMB, 2021杰出LGBT+高管榜样(连续第四年)
        • Nuzum丰富, Investments and Global Chief Investment Strategist, 美世, 2019 EMBARGO Project 1,000 campaign and 2019 #50for50 campaign for LGBTQ+ equality
        • 马克·麦克纳尔蒂, Head of International Clients, 美世 Investment 解决方案, 2019 #50for50 campaign for LGBTQ+ equality
        • 乔安娜baillie gifford, Global Operations Director, MSC, 2019年慈善合作卓越奖,表彰性别平衡领导的开创性最佳实践
        • 克莱尔·斯金纳, UK Head of Content and Delivery, 美世 Investment 解决方案, 2019 Women in Pensions Role Model of the Year


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